Eskdale School

At Eskdale School, we believe students benefit most by experiencing a blend of learning that involves both digital learning and hands-on learning experiences.  The key is that the students and teachers need to have the flexibility to select the most appropriate tool (Chromebook, iPad, pen and paper or other equipment.)  This sort of learning environment is more engaging for students and allows them to take ownership of the choices they make.  This type of learning also allows for more personalised instruction ensuring all students needs are being met.  Most importantly a blended learning environment reflects the world in which we currently live, socialise and work.

To achieve a blended learning environment at Eskdale School each room in the junior school has a pod of Ipads that can be used when they are the tool of choice and in the senior school we run a Bring Your Own Device strategy.  The BYOD (Bring your own device) strategy allows the students to each have their own device at school and to use when a device is the best tool for the job.  BYOD also allows for the seamless transfer of learning between home and school.  Our preferred device is a Chromebook as the students access to use Google Docs and Google Chrome to store and access their online learning.